Alarms are going off in the morning, the kids are most likely less than excited and school zones are in effect! Sound familiar? Yes, that right! School is in session! Summer seems like it’s getting shorter, leaving parents with less time to prepare for the school year. Being tossed into a new year is scary for parents and students alike. It can seem like you are a little fish in a big pond. Back in the day, schools used good old fashioned paper handouts to notify parents of meetings, events, or a child’s achievements. However, times have changed. Many schools have gone completely digital and have gotten quite savvy on social media. Is your child’s school on social media? If they are not, check out these great reasons why they should be. Perhaps this is a good topic to mention at the next PTA meeting?
- Activities & Events
Everyone is on social media! Imagine if you had one place you could go to for learning about each event or activity happening at the school. Schools should never mention names of children, but it’s a great idea to post about what a particular class is working on. It also gets the community involved in what’s going on! Let the community know what fundraisers you have going on or when the next football game is!
- Assessments
Teachers can use social media to encourage students to research a particular topic for a course. This is also a handy tool to remind students of due dates, last minute changes to the assignment or to encourage a group discussion!
- Inclement Weather/School Closures
Social media is a fast way to get the information out to parents about school closures or early dismissal. Parents need to know the second this type of decision is made by administration. Since we all are on social media anyway, why not put these updates on your school’s Facebook or Twitter account?
- Low/No Cost
Schools, preschools and daycares are always strapped to meet their budget. Social media offers free opportunities to keep your parents notified. Cut out the paper trail and opt for social media updates or even a low cost email based notification system such as Constant Contact. Parents will love the idea of having all documents easily accessible in their email or via their social media accounts rather than keeping up with so many papers each month.
- Create School Pride
Schools can offer mascot pages to rally up school pride and support. Show parents all the spirit items available through the school or that parent’s offer. Remind parents of game times, pep rallies and field days!
- Offer Potential Families an Inside Look into the Classroom
Parents want to see an inside peek at classrooms, cafeterias and gymnasiums. Before the school year begins, take a snapshot of what your facility offers. What makes your school or facility unique? Done the right way, Social Media can bridge the gap between schools, parents and the community. If you’re feeling lost, recruit the help of a Social Media savvy parent and watch the school spirit and interaction soar!